make room




How can I pray boldly?

Thank you for commiting to pray for guidance and blessing as we walk this journey together. We believe that God is working in this community and that we, the people of Christwalk Church, have a unique opportunity to partner with God as he transforms lives.

We are challenging all who call Christwalk their church home to commit to 21 Days of Prayer. We encourage you to submit your hearts and minds to God, and to listen to the Holy Spirit as He seeks to transform and lead all of us.

Use this prayer as an example or download the 21 Days of Prayer Guide below. “Lord, thank you for making room for a relationship with me. Help me to make room for others to find a place to call home at Christwalk Church.”

How can I Share Intentionally?

Download these social media graphics to let your facebook and instagram followers know what YOUR church is doing for the future of Christwalk, its people, and its community. (We recommend posting once a week so as not to spam your friends and family.)

Facebook and Instagram Posts

Facebook and Instagram stories

How can I give sacrificially?

Be generous with your time, talent, treasure and testimony. Do not give to get, nor give out of obligation. Go over and above to give out of the overflow of the blessings God has entrusted to you. Choose to give because the God we serve, by His very nature, is a giver. 

Creative Giving

Want to be involved but not sure how? Here are some creative ways to help allocate or free up resources so you can be a part of making room for more.

DECREASE: Are there things in your life you can do less frequently? Maybe it’s fewer Starbucks runs or taking lunch from home. By decreasing a weekly expense, you can save a significant amount to contribute.

DELAY: Are there plans you might be making that involve a financial commitment? If so, prayerfully ask God about delaying those plans and using the extra income to contribute.

DO MORE: Often there are creative ways to save money. Maybe it’s been a while since you got a quote for an existing service. Perhaps you could do some extra comparison or bargain shopping to save funds. For your kids, it could be as easy as saving extra change to give.

REDIRECT: Maybe you have financial obligations that will be fulfilled during the project, like tuition payments, car loans, etc. You could redirect those funds after those obligations are fulfilled. Or perhaps you could dedicate a future raise or bonus.

DONATE: A great way to contribute is to give existing assets. Transferring existing assets such as stocks, bonds, artwork, real estate, or land to the church may eliminate potential capital gains taxes and may increase after-tax proceeds. Please contact the church office for more guidance before committing an asset gift.